IMG_7518Part 10! A double digit milestone!

In Part 9 I diverged a bit from the hip story narrative to go into detail about not being able to run XC for a season. Today I will pick up where I left off in Part 8 to continue the story – beginning with my first appointment at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

On Wednesday, July 30, I boarded a train with my mom and gran. We made our way to 30th Street Station and through the Lucy Loop until we found ourselves standing wide-eyed in the lobby of CHOP. It really is an amazing hospital. The atrium is open, boasting wide windows, a bright palette, and pieces of art.

We sat in the orthopedic wing’s waiting area (with toys, small chairs, and kids a quarter of my age). “Lindsey Blest to the green desk,” a voice called to us over the loud speaker.IMG_7521

One of the things I appreciate most about CHOP is that I got to see Dr. Sankar on my very first appointment. I did not have to go through a chain of doctors to get to him. I have seen him at every appointment.

He learned my story that first day. He listened. He honestly expressed his frustration in the lack of clarity in my situation. We discussed different options – surgical and non-surgical, major and minor.

I vividly remember one moment from that first appointment. Dr. Sankar looked me in the eye and said, “If you decide to do any of these procedures, I will ask you to take a leap of faith with me.”

Processed with VSCOcam with hb2 presetI felt fear and intensity. My injury was unclear, not out of a textbook – even for a seasoned surgeon. But from day one Dr. Sankar asked me to take ownership of the decision process, too.

He shared with us how he a had a colleague who specialized in ultrasounds and that an appointment with him to get a hip exam would be a good next step.

“If you decide to do any of these procedures, I will ask you to take a leap of faith with me.”

That first appointment with CHOP was in and of itself a leap of faith. Ironic verbiage considering my ability to leap was quite impaired. But metaphorically it was quite accurate. To have faith despite uncertainty, through the murk of the unknown. To trust. I have found this to be true: injury + spirituality are resplendent with parallels. 

And the “faith leaps” (and hops and jumps and bound) would continue.

Next up, an ultrasound at Jefferson hospital.

0 thoughts on “A Leap of Faith | My Hips Don’t Lie: Part 10

  1. LB! all i have to say is wow!!! You are an amazing writer. This sound like a great adventure to see an amazing doctor. I am glad to know your doctor truly does care for you. I do not have any words for this post. I was reading it two ways, to find out about your hip status and where you are with things and the style in which you write. Great writing, i hope to be as good as you one day.

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