There’s a Baby Vocature on the way.
I got a voicemail this fall from Christy saying she had a story idea for me (kinda weird), and when I called back, she and Alex told me they were expecting! Alex & Christy have been two of my closest friends through college and now beyond. Learning that they’re going to be parents was the best news.
They asked me to take some photos to make the announcement – and (obviously) I agreed, and (obviously) they’re adorable/attractive.
They brought along this sweet little onesie plus a little cupcake fam to feature in the photos.
Love you already, Baby Voc. I can’t wait to meet you.

And a bonus because I needed a photo with Christy, too (and Alex is our personal photographer). Also, please appreciate the coordination between my sweater & the wall and Christy’s skirt & the other wall.