A story in snapshots: a few weeks ago I had the immense privilege of photographing the wedding of my dear friends Kurt & Ali.

The day was Friday, February 21. It was a cold winter evening with snow-covered ground (as most of this winter was). Kurt & Ali were married at a quaint church in Manheim with a brilliant red door. It was a beautiful ceremony and reception, with an emphasis on an intimate family celebration.IMG_2352
I’ve known Ali for about a year and a half, but it feels like much longer than that. The first time we met was when I started running cross country at LBC last fall. She had not been at the first few practices, so I was quite surprised when a girl ran up  to me a few days into pre-season and exclaimed, “Lindsey Blest! I’ve heard so much about you!!!!” Little did I know this vivacious girl would become my “running buddy” and one of my closest friends.IMG_2377
For the first look, we hid Kurt inside the church and asked Ali to stand outside the red door for a few solo shots. She stood still for a few moments before saying, “Okay, enough, I just want to see my fiance!”IMG_2383IMG_2395
I met Kurt last spring when I went with Ali went to see his senior art show at PCAD. My first impression of him was that he had good style (red pants and a bowtie!) and was a talented artist. Through Ali’s eyes, I’ve come to know him as a generous, thoughtful, and hard-working individual. Most importantly to me, I know he will take care of Ali always. That’s priceless (just like the image below…)IMG_2404IMG_2408
Kurt’s snazzy socks (and the bottom of Ali’s gorgeous gown).IMG_2411IMG_2423
There’s never an absence of joy with these two.IMG_2427IMG_2431IMG_2435
Everyone was such troopers with all of the photos in the cold.IMG_2525
Ali and her father have an amazing relationship – it’s evident to anyone who sees them together.IMG_2551
The officiator tailored the ceremony specifically for Kurt & Ali. He used the acronym “art” to talk about their marriage.IMG_2564
“Which hand do I put the ring on?!”IMG_2582
Reception time! The cake topper was hand-crafted by Kurt and the decadent cakes baked by his sisters.IMG_2617
This one was chocolate peanut butter – one of many flavors.IMG_2621
The “cake kiss.”
This thing is for real!
As it was my first wedding, it was a blessing not to go it alone, but to have Myrriah photograph by my side. She took beautiful photos!
I have to include this shot because it just makes me smile. I’m so thankful for your friendship, Ali… you support me endlessly and help me to believe in who I am. Thanks for making me laugh, running with me, drinking coffee with me, listening to me, uplifting me, and so much more. I love you!IMG_2510
I am so excited for both of you and the journey that you have begun. My prayer is that you will look to God to be your strength and model of true love each and every day.IMG_2430

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