I love the field of communications. It’s vibrant and riveting. There isn’t a college major that I’d rather be working towards.

I have a conversation like this with people frequently:

Inquirer: So, what is your major?
Me: I’m studying communications.
Inquirer: Oh. So what are you doing to do with that?

I don’t have an answer to that question yet – but someday I hope to. For now, I’m in exploration mode, attempting to determine which area of communications I want as my speciality. So far, I’ve dabbled in advertising, graphic design, marketing, social media, and, most notably, journalism (last summer I interned with Lancaster Newspapers. A wonderful experience).

This summer, I knew I wanted to try a different sort of internship. Over winter break, I spent hours perfecting my resume and applying for close to 50 internships around the country. My hope was to work as a Public Relations intern, in an area with which I am not as familiar.

It was a challenging search, let me tell you. But my summer plans have finally been solidified.

I am going to be living in Estero, FL, interning locally with Pushing the Envelope and virtually with IBEC Ventures.

The excitement level is pretty high right now. I have the opportunity to be involved with two amazing businesses, honing my skills as a communication professional in the areas of public relations, social media, and grant writing.

Admittedly, there are some nerves. I’ve never been away from home for this long before. I’ll miss those who are close to me at home. But time flies in the summer, and I’ll be back in August.

Until then, I have 2 weeks to get ready before embarking on an adventure like I’ve never had before.

They don't call it the sunshine state for nothing.By the Gulf at dusk.We live in a wonderful world...


0 thoughts on “This summer adventure.

  1. looking forward to seeing how GOD guides and encourages you this summer as you follow Him each step of the way!!! — Road trip here we come!

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